Reduction in energy costs and CO2 emissions in industrial plants
Identification of those areas where the reduction in energy consumption can be better achieved, improvement in the process of energy recovery by using pinch point technology, and the interaction of these with the thermal and electric generation throughout the simulation of cogenerations and steam and condensate networks. Energy savings normally fluctuate from 10-20% of the energy bill, usually the 30% of savings with a recovery period of less than one year, and a period of one to two years for the 40% of savings.

Energy efficient designs of new industrial systems
DVA collaborates with its clients from the very beginning of the project, working on the plant analysis and design, to conceive low energy cost installations for all the plant’s working life. By combining the optimisation of the energy recovery process with the simulation of cogenerations and steam and condensate networks, DVA offers energy efficient conceptual engineering for the installation’s working life.

Benchmarking of industrial plants
DVA analyses the client company’s energy consumption by carrying out comparative studies between different factories from the same company. This enables the company’s managers to have all the necessary information related to energy efficiency from their different factories, allowing them to make the best decisions regarding energy usage and to achieve top energy performance.

Energy certification of industrial plants and installations
The Andalusian Government Decree on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (Decreto Andaluz de Fomento de las Energías Renovables y la Eficiencia Energética), sets basic requirements in these areas and, by guaranteeing that all industries achieve them, creates an energy certification. These requirements will be applicable to all new industries based on annual energy consumption thresholds set to each sector by default to 250 toe (tons of oil equivalent; equal to 1,250 kW). When the minimum thresholds are exceed, the certification will be required to those industries and companies that want to expand, increasing their primary energy consumption in a 30%.
DVA has collaborated with the Andalusian Energy Agency in the development of the certification process. DVA is therefore qualified to assist projects for new industrial installations to guarantee they achieve the energy certification.